About This Blog...

This blog is for my own personal weight loss, decluttering and a little bit of everything in between. I am in no way recommending any certain type of weight-loss program. So, please go to your doctor for health care issues.

(All photo's are © copyrighted by the author)

Please also take time to visit my other blogs:

A Craft Meme Blog: Craft it Wednesday (Can post any day of the week. Repeats each week.

Photo-a-Day/Different Memes and (in and around) My Town: Barb's Photo-a-Day

100 Days / 30 min.'s a Day

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

If you are visiting this blog, first let me appologize for not posting more often. I can't believe that I haven't posted for a whole year here. Wow! That was a shocker to see.

I'm hoping to combine all my blogs into one starting the new year so when you come back you may have to rejoin my single blog. I have three right now and it's just to hard to keep up with that many. So combining them will be in my best interest and probably yours so you know which one to go to since there maybe only one. lol.

Anyway, Hope everyone has a Good Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope to be back blogging for 2012.

In 2012, I am hoping to get started on a new project I haven't done before. Some call it Project 365 and others call it Project Life. Either way it's about taking a photo a day, along with some journaling, and log your life for a year. Hence the 365 for 365 days in a year. Although, this year I think is a leap year for 366 days.

Please come back and join me in 2012. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and Cheers to you all.

Do you pick a "word" each year to focus on? I started a few years ago doing this with Ali Edwards blog site. It does inpire you to keep on focusing on your word all year and to accomplish your goals.

This year my word is perseverance....per·se·ver·ance 
The online dictionary defines it as...
1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
2. Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

The sky's the limit
on what your "word" will mean to you though.

To me my word will mean several things that I want to accomplish this year in 2011.
1. To get fit and healthy. I will perservere until I meet my goal. I've had so many health issues in 2010 that I think it's time to really buckle down and focus on what's important in getting fit and healthy. This will help me not end up at the doctors office so much. At least that's the plan. I will take long walks throughout the year to try and keep myself healthy and fit.

2. To declutter and get organized, along with to simplify.

I want to perservere this year and get rid of the last giant chunk of clutter that's weighing me down. I'm tired of looking for things and having a hard time finding them. Last year (2010), my word was "declutter". And, even though I did get rid of alot of stuff over the year I still didn't complete what I wanted to accomplish, so this year I hope to get rid of the clutter, get the rest organized and downsize my stuff I don't use or want, just to simplify.

So, I hope you will stop by often and follow me this year on my journey to complete these goals I've set for myself. Instead of making New Years resolutions, I like setting my "word" for the year. This has kept me focused far more than the resolutions. I'm not sure why it works but I just know it does. Maybe it will open up some doors for you too.

Read more about Ali and her "One Little Word" by going to her website here at Ali Edwards. She's also doing a class on "One Little Word" at Big Picture Classes.

Let's sit back and relax and enjoy the journey in 2011.