About This Blog...

This blog is for my own personal weight loss, decluttering and a little bit of everything in between. I am in no way recommending any certain type of weight-loss program. So, please go to your doctor for health care issues.

(All photo's are © copyrighted by the author)

Please also take time to visit my other blogs:

A Craft Meme Blog: Craft it Wednesday (Can post any day of the week. Repeats each week.

Photo-a-Day/Different Memes and (in and around) My Town: Barb's Photo-a-Day

100 Days / 30 min.'s a Day

Friday, August 27, 2010

Major Life Issue That Should be Addressed - Dogs Unchained

This woman is fighting to make it a law against chaining dogs up. She is chained at Harrisburg Capitol to Win Law for Abused Dogs. How would you like to be chained to a dog box all your life in all kinds of weather? Watch this video.

Last year I heard about a dog in our area who ended up with their paws frozen to the pavement and then died because someone left the poor dog out in the freezing cold. Let's help this lady get this law passed to Unchain the Dogs and give them all a better life.

Here's a quote that was sent to me in my email..."Dogs Need Change. Not Chains." is one of the taglines that drives Tamira Thayne's "Operation Fido Freedom." Thayne has made headlines by chaining herself to the PA State Capitol Building from 8:00 - 6:00 every day until SB 1435, a limiting chaining law, is passed in PA."

Even if you can't adopt a dog, please help pass this law by writing to your state Senator and urge others to contact their state Senator too and get this law passed to not chain dogs. Here's a website on Unchaining Dogs to find out more. Find out what you can do to help pass this law.

Also, check out this site Dogs Deserve Better

These photos on this website will shock you but you need to see them to help get this law passed. They are on the Dogs Deserve Better website or go directly to these photos Shocking photos of why dogs should be Unchained.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I got my exercising in today again and walked 2 miles. Foot still hurting but I'm just hoping the pain goes away.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Exercised Today - Yeah!

I got out and walked this morning first thing before getting on the computer. I think I may have to forgo the computer in the morning until I get my exercising in. I walked a little over a mile and a half. Comes out to 1.6 of a mile to be exact. Now I'm hoping I can keep it up tomorrow and the next day, and the next, and so on.

It's the first major amount of time I've walked since my surgery. It's been about 3 weeks now, so I'm hoping that I can get back into exercising without a problem. Still worrying about my one foot but we'll have to wait and see how it feels.

My dog also got his one lap in which is only a quarter of a mile = to .4 of a mile. He is also overweight but he's a smaller dog and doesn't like to walk much.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Snacks That Take Longer to Eat / Exercise

I bought some cherries the other day at the grocery store and they were the best one's I've had in awhile. I like the darker cherries. Sit down and have a bowl of cherries for a great snack. You can eat these slowly because you have to worry about the pit. This will keep you away from other snacking and they have more nutrition value than junk food. Cherries have vitamins A, vitamins C and potassium. Some sites say that the darker the cherry the richer it is in antioxidants.

I found this nutrition label on cherries on the Internet...(I believe this is for sweet cherries).

A few tips on how to pick cherries at the grocery store...
1. Pick cherries with the stem still on them and they should be able to store in your fridge for up to 10 days.
2. Also avoid cherries with dark colored stems.
3. Cherries should be firm to the touch but not hard.

This snack not as nutritious as cherries but will last alot longer is the good ole Tootsie Roll Pop. If you're on Weight Watchers, they are only 1 pt. and they take along time to eat.

It's nice to have these on hand in the evening when you want something but aren't hungry or just don't want to blow your whole day when you did so well keeping on track. Add a cup of tea with either the cherries or the tootsie pop and it could last you enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Exercise: Just a quick note on my exercise. I did walk yesterday but only a quarter of a mile, .4 to be exact. I didn't walk longer because it started raining pretty good here. It's been just a little over 2 weeks now since I've had my surgery and now I want to start walking more. I'm gonna try to get back into a routine.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

GoD And DoG by Wendy J Francisco

Thought I'd share this. I really liked what this video is saying.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Exercise Today - Maybe

This is my 2nd week after surgery. I haven't been doing much so today I may take a short walk. Thought I'd try to get going a little bit. I need to start getting this weight off. I'm still having trouble with my one foot which no one knows what's wrong with it yet. I bought a food tracker book to write everything down. I always start out the day with good intentions of tracking and by 3 pm or so, it always seems to fall to the waste side. Keep trying I guess, never give up.

I'll probably try and go to the farmer's market today to see if I can get anything healthy and try and start counting calories and/or points like Weight Watchers. I also have to lower my carbs because of diabetes, and also now fats since I had my gallbladder removed. Pretty soon I won't be able to eat anything.

About six of us girls started our own weight loss group last week and are trying to commit to losing 10 lbs in 10 weeks. 10 in 10. We are just trying to motivate each other and give each other tips and tricks to staying in control over food and exercise. We'll see if a new group helps me out any. It maybe just what I need since not much else is helping.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

National Spay/Neuter Awareness Week / Exercise

I belong to a Inspirational book group and a lady there started to suggest we do a little bit more to help make life better for someone whether it be a women's shelter, working with animals, working with the homeless, working with children, an aging home, or whatever it be, everyone could use your help in these times of trouble. Even if it's just one at a time, it matters to that one.

I had thought about it alot before it was ever mentioned but I guess now it's time to do somthing. The timing feels right now. Put my money where my mouth is so to speak. Plus, I have a little bit of extra time when the kids are in school to now help out elsewhere. Make a difference.

I thought about where I'd like to spend my time to volunteer and have always loved animals of all kinds and especially dogs. So, I recently started the process of volunteering at a animal shelter. The animals that don't get put into foster homes have to stay at the shelter in a cage all night. These animals spend at least 10 hours in their cages and can't get out to go to the potty or have human contact in those hours. I figured I could make their lives better at least by spending time with them and walking them. Getting them out to potty or whatever needs to be done. It will probably be several more weeks before I get started but I'm looking forward to it.

This Saturday is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Week and I would like everyone to please get your dog or cat spayed or neutered. This helps these poor animals from being put down if no one adopts them. And, if you can adopt an animal, please think about a shelter dog. I've adopted several animals over the years at adoption centers and they all are loving animals. The older animals are always harder to get someone to adopt them, but trust me, they make wonderful pets and you don't have to go through the puppy stage. They are are already potty trained. The one's I've adopted have been older like a year to three years old. I would consider older dogs too that can't get adopted. Heck, if I had alot of land I'd probably have a herd of dogs but unfortunetly, I don't have space for that many. So, I can help in other ways.

Please watch this video about adoption week. Go to International Homeless Animals

Here's my dog, Tucker, I adopted about seven years ago. He was about a year and a half old when I first adopted him.

In the past I've adopted several others who have sadly passed away but brought years of joy to our lives. I've had a Beagle, German Shepard, Huskies, Border Collie and several others. Even if you can't adopt, think about volunteering at your local shelter and help better the lives of these lonely animals. If you can only help one dog or cat, it's one, and it means alot to that one.

I've read that the shelters also would love donations and not just money. Some shelters also need cages, pet food, blankets, collars, leashes, etc. Call your local shelter to find out what they maybe in need of.

And, after all that you may ask; What does all this have to do with exercise? Think about it...What not multi-task? Help out an animal and also get your walking in. This will help both of you. This way if you volunteer you have to be committed to the dogs and you get your exercise in. No excuses as to why you can't do it. Even if you volunteer for something else, you are committed to being there and this will help your weight loss efforts too.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Exercise after Surgery - Movie - Books - Volunteering - Weight

Exercise: Here's my new update on my exercise since surgery. It's only been nine days since I had surgery to get my gallbladder out. I walked this morning and yesterday for about a 10 min. walk. I know it isn't much but it's a start.

Movies: I went to see Eat, Pray, Love, yesterday and really enjoyed it as a movie. All the whinny stuff was cut out of it. You can't go wrong with Julia Roberts playing in a movie so she makes it interesting.

Sometime this weekend we may go see The Expendables with Sly Stallone, B. Willis, and all the other macho guys who play in it.

I guess while I'm healing it's been a movie kind of weekend.

Books: Now onto books. What's everyone reading? Since I still can't do alot of twisting movements, I am reading (and watching movies). What else can you do? Anyway, I started the book called "The Quickening" by Michelle Hoover. I have several other books lined up, like Nancy Grace's book, Half-Broke Horses, and several others.

Volunteering: I guess this could also be in the exercise section but it's a new topic for me. The other day I felt this compelling need to voluteer at our local dog shelter. So I sent out a email and you have to go through alot of hoops just to volunteer. I figured I could go walk the dogs and do some little extra things here and there that need done. Mostly spend time with the animals to keep them company. Seems you have to take a training course to do this. I walk my dog everyday, but who knows? You need to also fill out forms, and sign you won't hold them accountable for anything that may go wrong. I thought volunteering would be easy. I figured I could help the animals by walking or taking care of them, and also helping myself with some exercise with knowing I have to be there to walk them. My dog doesn't like to walk much. So, I guess I will wait and see what happens.

Review on Weight Loss: One last thing...It's been 13 weeks now since I said I'd commit to losing weight and getting healthy. I gained 4 lbs in 3 months and lost 4 lbs in 3 months, so I am now just even after 3 months. I can't believe 3 months has gone by already. Wow! Since then I've been dealing with foot problems and gallbladder surgery. My one foot feels great now, I'm still dealing with the other foot. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything about losing weight and getting healthy. Argh! Hopefully, the next 3 months will be better.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Weight Loss - Movies - Books

Weight Issues: I got weighed this past Wed. and I'm down 4 lbs. Nothing like having surgery to make you lose weight. The only thing is I'm hoping that I don't put it back on. How much does a gallbladder weigh anyway? Well, who knows for sure? All I know is 4 lbs is 4 lbs and I'm glad I lost.

I'm feeling much better after surgery but the incisions (especially belly button one) is still a little bit sore.

I still can't exercise full force yet. Not allowed according to doctors orders. I can start walking more now though. I did notice I haven't been getting as much heart burn as I did before getting my gallbladder removed. But, on the other hand, I'm not eating exactly as I was yet either. I did eat pizza yesterday. Thought I'd give it a try. Well, not again for awhile. It didn't give me heartburn like usual but I did have a rough time. My heart was beating fast and I felt stomach sickness. May have to hold off on the hard stuff awhile longer.

I was supposed to go to a diabetes group this evening but totally forget about it. Hopefully next month.

Now onto Movie and Book Issues: I'm really not sure how the book "Eat, Pray, Love" ever became a best seller. I tried reading it months ago, and couldn't do it, then because our book group is reading it I gave it another try. I am almost done with it. For me it was okay but nothing spectacular. I'm thinking this book is going to be better as a movie. I'm hoping to go see the movie this weekend. Since Julia Roberts plays in it, I'm sure it will be good. Well, at least I hope so. Anyone else going to see it?

Cookbook: And, while we're on the topic of books I got a new cookbook on Wed. One of the churches in our area put it together with a bunch of recipes including some healthy recipes. I'm hoping to try some of them out. If I really like some, I'll take a photo and post them here.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Almost a Week After Surgery

Well, I had surgery last Wednesday and today is Tuesday. So, it's been almost a week since my surgery. Seems like yesterday I was all worried and getting wheeled in to the operating room.

I'm still having soreness which is understandable. I have four incisions in my stomach area and the one that bothers me the most is the one in my belly button. The doctor said that's where the camera went in. Then there are three other incisions where the instruments went in to get the gallbladder out. My incisions are starting to feel really itchy which is a good sign that they are healing. I still can't soak in water so I have to take a shower and then make sure the water is totally off my skin.

This week I couldn't drive because of surgery, but I can start driving again tomorrow. I guess because they don't want you twisting with the steering wheel. I haven't been taking much at all for pain as it really wasn't that painful except the first 3 or 4 days. And, then I wouldn't say painful. Mostly just a hard time moving around without it hurting.

I can't do any vigorous exercise yet. The only thing I'm allowed to do is some light walking. I have orders not to do anything with twisting and bending for at least two weeks. Then I have to start out slow and see how I feel.

Once I get healed then I have to start my exercise routine and get healthy. This is what you get when your unhealthy. Alot of organs that don't work properly.

On a good note, I have lost 4 lbs. since surgery. Although, that could have been because for the first day and a half I was on a liquid diet. I can't say for sure yet, since I haven't been quit eating like I was before the operation, but I haven't been having severe heartburn like I was before the operation. I am praying that having my gallbladder out takes away my heartburn. It's not a guarantee that it will, but I'm hoping.

So, for now, I've been catching up on my reading. Right now I'm reading, "Eat, Pray, Love". Anyone else reading it? Are you going to see the movie this weekend when it comes out? Julia Roberts plays in it. I want to start reading Nancy Grace's new book coming out today or tomorrow called, "Death on the D-List". Anyone watch Nancy and have you read her first book yet? This new book is a 2ND book with some of the same characters as she had in "The Eleventh Victim".

Other than that, I've made a few meals on the grill and haven't really been cooking much. Well, I'll report back here in a few days to my update. Hope everyone else's weight loss and exercise plans are going well.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Update on My Gallbladder Surgery

Surgery/Recovery: I had gallbladder surgery done on Wednesday morning and had to stay in the hospital one night. Out on Thursday. It's been going pretty well for the most part with recovery. Not in alot of pain yet.

After surgery I had alot of dizziness and was in recovery room a tad longer than expected. After I was getting over that, I was moved to my room. Had to have the leg compressors on while in bed just to keep from getting clots. I also have to use a breathing gadget to keep the lungs expanded after surgery. Just a precaution I guess everyone does. It helps get the air out of the lungs (I think).

The only problem I had after surgery was a major heartburn sensation. That was from the gas they give you while you're in surgery. The only way to mostly get rid of it is to walk so it gets the gas/air moving so you can burp and leave gas at the other end. (For lack of a better way of putting it.) That gets rid of the heartburn.

It's now Friday and I have some chest pain with tightness but not real bad. I'm sore in the four incisions they did while in surgery but not too bad. It isn't as bad as I anticipated. I have to walk a little bit each day to make sure I keep the blood moving in my legs so I don't get any blood clots. So overall not too bad.

I've had worse surgeries. Maybe that's why I can say it's not too bad. When I had open heart surgery that was far worse.

Well, back to this one. You can't sleep on your stomach but since I hate sleeping on my stomach anyway, that's not a problem. I like sleeping on my side which is somewhat a problem getting into that position with the cuts from surgery. A little painful. Probably for about a week I'll be sleeping more on my back. And, then in about four weeks I have a checkup with the doctor to make sure all is going well.

I'm just glad it's over. I had gallstones but the doctor said he didn't take it out so much for that, it was that my gallbladder was only working 17% which is basically not working at all. He didn't want me to end up with alot of other problems that bile can cause if it goes into the other organs. You can look up all about the bile (toxic in other body parts) on the Internet. Just type in gallbladder bile. I may have some trouble eating foods now with fat in for awhile which may give me diarrhea for several months afterward, but this is just a possibility. I've been watching what I eat right now, but I haven't been eating much since it's only been two days now since I had surgery. Not all patients have this problem with fatty foods, so I'll just have to wait and see I guess.

(Just want to add here, that this is my experience only so please make sure you ask your own doctor if anything like this happens to you.) I think everyone is a little different in their experiences.

Needless to say I can't exercise at all (except a little bit of slow walking) for about two weeks. When I say slow walking, I mean slow. I feel like I'm walking at a snails pace.

I guess I should add which I don't think I mentioned before why I went to the doctors in the first place and why they found this. I was having extreme stomach bloating, which can be one of the symtoms. I was also getting side pain (grant it, it was the left side and should have been the right side but they can't explain that one.) You're gallbladder is on the right side, but they said who knows sometimes what a bad gallbladder or anyother organ for that matter will cause when theirs something wrong with it.

Anyway, that's my update on surgery and recovery.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gallstones and Surgery

Well, I'll be getting my gallbladder removed this week due to gallstones. This is what causes gallstones and I quote, "The most common triggers for gallbladder attacks are caffeine, chocolate, eggs, dairy products (especially ice cream) and greasy or deep fried foods." Pretty much everything I've been eating over the last several or more years. I found this information on this site here: Gallstones I'm definitely hoping for a quick recovery so I can get serious about my diet and weight loss. With weight issues, health issues sure does become a problem. This photo

also from this site shows the gallbladder and it has some really good info on this site.

I found this other photo

of a gallstone on this site here and also all about gallstone symptoms. I'm posting this photo because some of these photos with alot of gallstones just plain gross me out.

This is why when you're overweight you really need to lose and get healthy. I need to ward off all these problems associated with my bad eating habits.

I have also read through numerous other sites that 35%-75% function is normal for the gallbladder. Mine is functioning at only 17% which my doctor says pretty much isn't functioning at all. If your gallbladder stops working properly it can rupture and cause all kinds of other problems.

So, needless to say, Bye, Bye, Gallbladder.