About This Blog...

This blog is for my own personal weight loss, decluttering and a little bit of everything in between. I am in no way recommending any certain type of weight-loss program. So, please go to your doctor for health care issues.

(All photo's are © copyrighted by the author)

Please also take time to visit my other blogs:

A Craft Meme Blog: Craft it Wednesday (Can post any day of the week. Repeats each week.

Photo-a-Day/Different Memes and (in and around) My Town: Barb's Photo-a-Day

100 Days / 30 min.'s a Day

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's your sweet tooth downfall?

I absolutely love 5th Ave candy bars...

and Peppermint Patties...

When I want something a little bit more crunchy I go with the 5th Ave. If I want something creamy the York Peppermint Patti is the way to go.

The big difference between the two is the calories. I can go with the Peppermint Patti for about half the calories as the 5th Ave bar. As far as carbs neither one is good for me because they both have a fair amount of carbs in them. Although I could cut them in half for half the carbs and save the other half for later. But, how many of us can do that? Can you save the other half for another day?

I can't! Once it's in my hands, I tend to eat the whole thing till it's gone. So, I've allowed myself one day a week to indulge in my favorite candy bars. Some weeks I may choose the Peppermint Patti or the other week I may plead the 5th. I figure since I like to get weighed in on Wednesday's at Weight Watchers, Thursday will be my indulgence day.

How about you? Do you allow yourself one day a week to indulge in your naughty sweet tooth pleasure? Or, Are you swearing off sweets all together till you reach you goal weight?

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